Wednesday, June 17, 2015

[New Music] Man In Christ [The Michael McFlyy EP]

From My upcoming EP #TheMichaelMcFlyyEP (early release available at my ministry events). Pre-Orders available now (iTunes, AmazonMP3, Google Play)! If you're #InChrist you are a new creature! New means new! #JesusIsLord! Thx in advance for sharing and commenting! We pray it blesses ya BIG!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Pre-Orders Available! Mynista: The Michael McFlyy EP [Officially Releases On 7/10/15]!

TWIBBON: Support #TMMEP Via Twitter & Facebook (click link/widget below!)

"We overcome by the blood and the Word we speak...let the weak speak strong! Jesus shed His blood for I gotta say somethin!" - #SpeakOn

Monday, May 18, 2015

[New Music!] SELFIE: A fresh new single from my upcoming EP “The Michael Mcflyy EP.” (Releasing Friday 7/10/15)

- The best selfie that any of us will ever take —> Seeing ourselves as God sees us IN CHRIST via the MIRROR of His Word! [See 2 Cor 5:17,21, Ephesians Ch 1 & 3, James 1:23]

“Fenna take me a selfie, fenna gaze in the mirror.
What the Lord say ‘bout me, wanna see that clearer.
Open the eyes of my heart Lord, as I gaze in ya Word.
Fenna take this selfie…fenna do work”

- Thanks for sharing this with your friends! This song is gonna help someone BIG TIME! I know it’s helping me! FKAK! [For King And Kingdom! Jesus is Lord!